Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Just like that --- you're looking at porn

It's 3:30 in the morning and Wesley and I are up doing asthma treatments. He's actually doing them - my part is to keep him company. So I showed him the picture of Black Turkey Sunday and asked if he wanted that kind of turkey for Thanksgiving. Not surprisingly, he did not.

As I read the original comments on that post, there was one which mentioned a sequel to the movie, A Christmas Story, which we all love. I did a quick search for the name of the movie and came up with a fan site of sorts -- all type of trivia. It also included a review of the movie (we won't be watching it.)

With time to kill, I looked at some of the current pictures of the stars of the movie. A few of them had blogs and the nebulizer was still going strong, so I checked out "Flick's" blog. He was talking about recently becoming engaged. He had a story of how he had Wayne Newton sing a song to his girlfriend on stage and then he proposed, etc.

There was a picture of his now fiancee' on the site, so we clicked her link to see what she had to say about it. Immediately I was able to determine that she doesn't say much at all, but she's great at posing nude and offering to do all manner of things.

Thankfully, Wesley was gone to the bathroom at this point. However, this is a perfect example of why my kids won't have internet access in their bedrooms. What started as just a search to get the name of the movie ended less than 5 minutes later with me seeing an augmentation job up close.