Sunday, November 18, 2007

Have you ever looked back at your child

only to realize that they resembled a certain famous cartoon character? Andi and I noticed this phenomenon first with Jacob when he was a baby. We thought he was the cutest kid to ever grace the earth and turned out in retrospect he had a big Charlie Brown head for several months. In fact, at his birth, we thought he looked perfect, but in his pictures, his head is as oblong and pointed as a football. We never noticed that at all.

But now, we realized that little Miss Sunshine went through the same Charlie Brown phase and we didn't even notice it because we are so in love with her.

Fortunately, she has long since outgrown her cartoon head. It is quite unfortunate that since 20 out of 22 commenters were happy to share how horrid this outfit was, Andi has not put it on her again.

I've emailed her to bring it back, but if she doesn't, I have her house key and I may have to take measures into my own hand.

It would be a shame for her to outgrow this adorable outfit before she had a chance to wear it MULTIPLE TIMES IN PUBLIC!

I know you agree.