The hapless, half-witted helper
First, just so you know -- Andi does not have a hickey on her neck. That is a birthmark that shows up a whole lot more when she is pregnant. It's amazing how many people will just touch it and ask what it is. People that don't even know her. It bugs the snot out of her. Now on to the post.... Andi and I are making 4 cheesecakes for our ladies meeting tomorrow night at church. A plain one (Stacey's favorite), an apple one (Andi's favorite), a turtle one, (Sherie's favorite) and a new one picked for the season - pumpkin.
You know that saying, "Some kind of help is no help at all." Today, I'm living it.
Andi whacked her thumb with the rolling pin while making crumbs out of graham crackers. Next, she broke the bag of crumbs open all over the counter. Then, she cut her finger on the aluminum foil box when she was wrapping the cake pan bottoms. It was just one thing after another - none of them good.
As Andi is prone to do, she was making random comments while she "helped" me today - and she was talking out loud as to what she thought I must be thinking. I'm not saying if I was thinking these things or not.
"Why don't you just help me by going to read to Sosie?"
"Have you ever been in a kitchen?"
"You can just keep me company today."
"You look tired, you should just go lay down."
"Watch this can of pumpkin and make sure it doesn't move."
"Why don't you just watch the kitchen timer for me and make sure it doesn't skip?"
"Here - take this job that nobody can screw up."
"How did you screw that up?"