Monday, November 12, 2007


"You can get up to shower.....if you have to." Well, thankfully the doctor wasn't talking to me. He was, however, talking to Andi. After yet another night in the hospital, the doctor has cracked down on Andi and sent her to bed for the duration - however long that may be. He said he was hoping to make it to Thanksgiving and at that point, he would stop all measures and just let her deliver Keegan. The doctor put it quite eloquently when he said, "You know you don't have a snowball in _______ chance of carrying to term." Hmmm - I never heard that particular medical phrase before.

I flip flop between thinking Keegan is going to be born in the next week or him deciding to just hang out till New Year's Eve and try to be the first baby of the year. Any guesses?