Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Viruses know no boundaries

I am now the reluctant recipient of the 5th's disease virus -- except what looked like a rash on the kids - on me looks like a rash coupled with hideous swollen glands and insane itching from head toe . There will be no pictures posted other than these of my cheek and neck. Unlike kids, when adults get 5ths disease about 50% don't get the rash at all. Guess which group I'm in. They can also get painful joints which can last anywhere from a week or so to several months. It mainly affects the hands, wrists and knees. I'm really praying I don't get that part.

What makes this virus worse? Heat, exercise and stress. I have air conditioning and the weather is cooling off - yeah. Not too worried about getting too much exercise. That leaves stress. We just won't talk about that part right now. I have a cooking class that I'm supposed to teach tonight to prepare for. Oh, and 2 bedrooms that are completely torn apart as the re-organization has begun and I really need my hand joints to not ache right now. Also, I have a daughter here on bed rest. And the baby is crying in her playpen. And I'm almost out of Mt. Dew.

Truly, out of those things - the lack of Dew concerns me most. Andi is feeling good and rocking Sophie to sleep now. The bedrooms will get done - eventually. And the cooking class will go on - I'll be the one in the ski mask and long sleeves and gloves...or maybe a bee keeper uniform. I think that would work well in this situation.

So here I sit - lots to do and red from head to toe -- including inside my ears. About the only part of my body that isn't this lovely shade is my right hand. That's number 614 Dark Brown. I colored Andi's hair for her this morning and there must have been a hole in the glove, because I'm more dark brown than red on my hand.

I'm not sure how much Benedryl a person can take without going into a coma, but I think I'm about to find out

Edited 2 hours and 12 minutes after posting

3 Benedryl will relieve itching somewhat & it's a good thing because our air conditioning just went out. No stress........