Monday, October 08, 2007

Andi & Keegan

Andi called last night about 6 and when I answered the phone, she asked, "Can you drive me to the hospital?" Of course, I was out the door and it wasn't till I was on my way that I called back to even ask why.

She was having what she thought were contractions - she's 28 weeks. She never really had contractions with Sophie, so she wasn't sure. Having had a child at 27 weeks, I'm all about stopping contractions. As we were leaving town, we saw Sherie getting out of her car. 30 seconds later, she was in ours and going with us. We dropped Sophie at Heidi's and made our way to the hospital.

We though she might just get checked and be sent home, but that was not the case. After being admitted, she was checked and had dilated to 2 cm. and the contractions were being picked up on the monitor. An IV was started and she was given medicine to stop the contractions.

She had several other tests done and the doctor doesn't feel that Keegan is likely to come anytime soon based on the results of the Fetal Fibronectin test.

After spending the night, she was discharged this afternoon. She is currently on bed rest and taking medication at home (here) to keep the contractions stopped.

So she is in the recliner - working on her PEERS job and feeling pretty good right now. Prayers would be appreciated that Keegan stays put.