Friday, September 21, 2007

Self Diagnosis

No matter how good you are at figuring out what's wrong with you medically, unless you have those little initials after your name, MD, there's generally little good it does you, should you need medical attention.

After weeks of denying the fact that I need medical attention, I now embrace (if I could, but it hurts) that fact and am going to the doctor today.

I suspect I may have a rotator cuff injury, which will be an absolute, total interruption of my regularly scheduled life. The symptoms are few:

Pain and tenderness in your shoulder, especially when reaching overhead, reaching behind your back, lifting or pulling on the affected side. Check.

Pain when sleeping on the affected side, waking you. Check - 100% impossible to sleep on that side.

Shoulder weakness. Check

Continuous pain and muscle weakness. Check

Just about the only symptoms I have that I don't find mentioned are

1) Numbness in my arm and the fact that if feels like someone has a blow torch turned on it from the elbow to my shoulder. Check

2) Hurts to carry a purse. Check

3) grandchild can only be carried on unaffected side. Check