Saturday, September 08, 2007

Nice Matters Award

“This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award.”

Them there's the rules and I'm nothing if not a rule follower. A nice rule follower according to Amy, who passed this little award my way.

Now - who do I think are nice people, nice bloggers who are a positive influence and who inspire good feelings and are inspirational? Think, think, think. Seven of them. OK, here's my list - in no particular order.

Heidi - she is a wonderful example of a woman struggling to listen to the voice of God and let Him lead her in every area of her life. She is an awesome woman of God and I admire her greatly.

Patricia, who continues to trust in God in her ongoing quest for a baby. Her blog is sometimes heartbreaking to read as she writes of the brutal truth of her journey. I pray daily that she will get her chance to be one of the best mommas in the world someday. Soon.

Kate, who seems to do it all. She adopts, she fosters, she homeschools, she deals with it all with a grip on reality and a sense of humor. She loves God, her family and life. She is an inspiration.

D,who has decided to listen to God's nudging and instead of retiring to travel, she and her husband are adopting a toddler from foster care. She may not realize it yet, but she is in for the best time of her life. Happy retirement!

Teresa, who writes of the fun times she has with her family. They do some of the neatest things together and having spent a week with her last summer at her home, I know she is every bit as nice as she seems in writing.

Tina, who is one of the kindest people I have ever met in my life. She has a gentle spirit and every child automatically is drawn to her. She was always the favorite teacher of my kids at church and all those preschool kids are going to be blessed beyond words to have her teach them. Plus, she is so full of fun and adventure and she recognizes a good puddle to play in when she sees one!

Andi, who is nice. And a good mommy. And a wonderful daughter. And a great example of a Godly woman. And I love her.