Sunday, August 05, 2007

The most mild mannered woman

at church was telling Tina and me how to make this really cool sound today. Or it's really cool if you have boys and you do it for them and then they think you are really cool. I tried to imagine this sweet lady learning this at her job -- she's a nurse. It was hard to imagine it, but if she did it for her five hear old, I'm sure he thought it was hilarious.

So as funny as it was to show off my new talent tonight - it was even better to just stand there and think about Theresa O. as she performed with the musical straw! Those of you who don't know her can not begin to imagine how funny this mental picture is to those of us who do.

Andi says it would be like watching Barbara Bush give it a whirl - it's just not what you would expect. So with that in mind - get out your flexible straw and get ready for some fun! As a bit of warning, excessive practice makes your arm sore.....not that I would know.

So without further's Jacob and his musical straw.