Saturday, August 18, 2007

It was easier than I thought

to get Jacob awake. After I told him "last one dressed buys breakfast" he was up and gone in a flash - leaving me scrambling to get dressed first. As I was getting my shirt on he yells, "DONE!". I open my bedroom door and there he stands fully dressed. Sure, his shirt was wrong side out AND backwards, but he was dressed, so I bought breakfast.

The very first yard sale made trip worthwhile. I bought Sophie a Cozy Coupe and a battery operated 4 wheeler. She loves them both. She was even standing up driving the 4 wheeler. Quite fearless. I'm sure Andi will post a picture of her riding it. We went to about 8 sales and managed to find some clothes for Keegan and some great toys for both of them. Nothing better than when people get rid of their great forty dollar Leap Frog toys for 3 bucks.

After taking over the surprises, we came home and I made a pot of chili - which for some reason, sounds great! It's cooking now and Jacob made a loaf of bread, a pound cake and a pan of brownies while I was making the chili. It was the most fun I've ever had cooking because the entire time he was cooking, he kept up a running monologue like he was doing a live cooking show.

I think he has found his true calling - not football, but as the host of his own cooking show, which he named, "Desserts till it Hurts".