Sunday, August 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Billski

August is our biggest birthday month with Andi, Big Guy, Sophie & Bill all celebrating. Bill spent his birthday weekend taking Wes to the Nascar race in Nashville.

Even as they left, Wesley was fighting (and losing to) the stomach virus everyone in our family has had this week - but he was determined to go - so go they went. By the time they arrived, he was over the being sick part and was just in the "exhausted from being sick" part.

They had a great time at the races, then holed up at the motel and watched TV till they fell asleep. Bill had been up all night at work before driving to Nashville and Wes had been up most of the night sick as a dog, so I'm sure they didn't make it too far into their evening viewing.

Today they went to the Bass Pro Shop in Nashville (Bill's idea) and then had lunch at The Rainforest Cafe (Wesley's idea) before heading back home.

Wesley came home sporting a new T-shirt, sunglasses and hat, so he is all decked out from his weekend away with Dad. It was a special time I'm sure he will never forget.

Totally unrelated to the weekend, but I just like these pictures so I'm going to post them. The older Sophie gets, the more she likes to hang out with Billski. They are great buddies.