Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Good Early Morning

Good grief, it's hard for me to remember a time when getting up this early was late. I'm making a run for the border (of Illinois) today to get some wood for a project. Sherie is also going and I told her we needed to go early because of Sophie. She said we could go as soon as her boys got on the bus -- at 7.

Criminy, nobody should get on a school bus at 7 in the morning. When we made these arrangements yesterday, my kids were eating breakfast and I was reading to them -- at 9:27.

If it wasn't supposed to rain the next few days I would cancel this trip and call in exhausted. Wesley's asthma is horrible right now and last night I know I easily met the requirements for the "under 90 minutes of sleep" club. Wes could definitely use a good rain to clear the air and cool things down.

Andi is coming by to pick up the kids to "help" her run errands. You just haven't run errands till you take along four extra helpers.