Thursday, August 02, 2007

He's really mine

The hospital records department clerk called this morning to tell me that they had two sets of records pulling up with the same patient number....

"Does Ryan happen to be adopted?" they asked.

"Yes, he is." I replied.

"What was his name before?" was the next question.

Total silence on my end.

"What was his name before he was adopted?" she asked again.

"I heard you." I answered, "I'm trying to remember."

And I couldn't.

I could come up with his first name, which was easy, because I already HAD a son by that name, which is why his was changed - but could not remember his previous last name for anything.

When it became obvious I was going to have to go get his adoption papers in order to tell her what it was, they told me what they had as his last name and at last I was able to say...

"Yes, that's my son."