Thursday, August 16, 2007

All by myself

My dad showed up at the skating rink today to watch the kids skate and ended up taking Carly, Wes and Ryan home with him for a few days. I don't know how long they will be gone, but I'm sure they will have a good time. Jacob already had plans so he missed the chance to go.

This evening I was sitting at home and about 10 I opened up a package that came in the mail today. It was a prize I had won and I looked at it with much skepticism. However, with nothing else to do and only reruns of Law and Order on (when are there NOT?), I decided to try out this new Sonic Jewelry Bath.

I read the directions and when I got to the part that said you had to discard the cleaner after every use, I thought to myself that I probably wouldn't be using this thing very often. Seemed rather wasteful to me. I dumped in the solution concentrate, added warm water and began my experiment, already in the back of my mind wondering how much this baby would fetch at a yard sale.

I hung my wedding ring on the little plastic carousel and dropped my necklace into the bottom. After ONE minute I stopped it - because that's what the instructions said to do - and I looked at the water, which although was pink, looked sorta greyish and yukky. I poured the water out over a wet wipe to see what was in it and was amazed at the dirt this little machine had gotten out of my jewelry. I don't wear my wedding ring when I'm cooking or working in the garage, etc., so this is just an accumulation of everyday dirt.

I think it is quite possibly cleaner than it has been in years. So although I was a skeptic - now I'm not. So, if I know you and you have nasty jewelry, feel free to drop by and we'll clean that stuff right up. After all, it only takes a minute.