Saturday, July 21, 2007

You really should get yourself one of these

A baby that is. Not the trike. When nothing exciting is going on, you can still have a blog post. I get a lot of grief because I have a ready made filler, but what can I tell ya? Some gals got all the luck and I'm one of 'em.

Sosie is spending the night with us because Andi called this evening about nine for me to come right over and see something exciting. (Did you get that hint?) Jacob and I went right over and sure enough - we saw it. Then as we were leaving, she crawled to the door and started crying for us.

I'm sorta used to it, because she does it every time, but Jacob had never seen it and the next thing I see are tears running down his face as he looked at her, looking at him. So, Sos is here and her beloved Uncle Jacob will be getting up with her in the middle of the night if she wakes up.

Check back later and I'll see if I can show you what we saw.