Friday, July 13, 2007

"Why don't you just send me someplace haunted?"

Vicki greeted me with these words at church. Seems that yesterday afternoon Vicki and Meagan went to work at the Education Center. Nobody else was supposed to be in the building but it wasn't long before they heard sounds of doors creaking opening and then closing again. And then came the footsteps. The undeniable sound of a steady stream of footsteps.

They looked around the entire building and couldn't find anybody in the building so they went back to playing their game and trying to ignore the sounds. It wasn't long though before they heard the footsteps again and Vicki said she could swear she smelled tuna fish and toast.

They cautiously investigated further and finally decided among themselves that it just had to be some sounds coming from the duct work. They had no explanation for the smells. But then -- they started hearing what they thought were the faint sound of voices and laughter. They were freaking out more and more, trying to come up with a logical answer to explain everything away....but only coming up with the haunted building theory.

It was about that time that the both decided that this would be the last time they would ever be alone with the mysterious sounds and smells.

As Vicki was relaying all of this to Heidi, Sherie and I this evening, I had the great pleasure of stopping her mid sentence to say, "You do know there's an apartment upstairs and somebody lives up there, don't you?"

I have never seen someone so totally speechless. She had no idea at all. It was priceless and when she finally registered it all, she burst out laughing and said she had to go call Meagan right then.

Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!