Monday, July 16, 2007

"Carly speak"

Carly is well known in our family for using words that she has no idea what they mean or in the wrong context.

Some classic examples can be found in just the last couple of weeks:

Holding her hand out to me, "I need my pinker nail cut."

When acting like a robot, "Sorry, that does not commute."

During her prayer, "Dear Lord, bless this food and use it to nursery our bodies."

"I splitted (parted) my hair in the middle."

Lastly -- the other day she told me Sophie was chewing on my "insult." I turned around to find Sophie was indeed chewing on something - the insole out of my shoe. Quite insulting indeed since they were my Duke shoes.

But Jacob joined the "mis-speak" club this morning when we were discussing magic and I told the kids it was all illusions. Then Jacob told Ryan that the guy on America's Got Talent the other night who cut a man into two pieces wasn't doing magic. It was an "obstacle illusion."