Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Camp, camp, camp & more camp

Summer is quickly passing and so far we've managed to avoid stitches, major sunburns and poison ivy. It's been a good year in those respects. The kids have finished their swim lessons, Jacob is in football camp this week and next week they all go to Early American camp. The Be Healthy camp goes on for the rest of July. The kids are staying very busy with swimming, biking and playing and going to day camps.

Sherie's shop is coming right along. We have painted the walls (some more than once when she changed her mind on the color) and painted the outside door and trim (more than once when I changed her mind on the color). In the next week the drop ceiling will be put in and then we are going to put in a laminate floor. I've never done this so I'm looking forward to learning how to do it.

The preschool furniture has all been painted and I hope to get the doors and handles on that one day this week and then that will be done and ready to go.

Sophie is pondering walking -- some day. She will let go of things and then realize she's not holding on, get a panicked look on her face and then quickly squat down.

So although there is lots going on around here, it's all rather mundane. I like it that way. No drama necessary to make me a happy mom!