Saturday, June 02, 2007

Tagged by Jodi

1. What is your first and middle name? Perri Dawn

2.How did you get your name? Named after a family friend of my parents - Perri. Dawn - I have no idea.

3.What are your kid's names? How did you decide on your their names?
Andrea Jo, was named after my mom and Andy Griffith (because he was such a great guy), Jo after my mom's best friend, Joan, who was like a second mom to me when I was growing up.

Zachary Steven, was named after his great grandfather and his dad.

William Jacob, was named after his dad and just because we like Jacob.

Carly Beth, was named after my dad and my best friend from my childhood.

Wesley Peyton came along with that name and Wesley is my favorite all times boy's name ever so that was just great!

Ryan Jackson, we just liked Ryan and Jackson is a family name.

4.Do you like your name? Nope.

5.What was the most popular name (according to Social Security) the year you were born? (Click here to find out and then tell us the results!) Michael & Mary -- surprisingly, (NOT) my name was not in the top 1000 ~~ on the girl's side, anyway.

NOW, I will tag a few of my friends from church - knowing they will tag others from church, so soon I'll know all about the kids' names:

Andi (maybe she will tell you the new baby's names), Amy, Tina and Trinity.