Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Gru -- uh-- by

That would be the most accurate description of Carly, Wes and Ryan (and me) today after we helped my friend, Sherie clean out an old building she had bought. She makes beautiful pictures and is planning on opening a shop to sell them as well as do framing.

The picture of the kids hands is a pretty accurate representation of how they looked all over. They really worked hard and before the day was over we had a huge dumpster (about 20 feet long and 8 foot high) well on the way to being filled.

I imagine they will look pretty much the same tomorrow as we are going to go back for Round Two.

In other news around here, Andi spent the last couple of days on bed rest again, but she is up and back to work again. At the ultrasound yesterday showed Keeby to be quite the acrobat as we watched flip after flip.