Monday, June 25, 2007

Change of plans

Today, Wesley had his first swim lesson of the year...and his last. Tomorrow was going to be his first flag football game with his new Scout troop. He will be hanging out on the old comfy couch instead. Family bike rides for the next few weeks? Not happening.

Trampoline jumping? Never again. Trampolines and our family just seem to be a disaster waiting to happen. The kids have probably been on a trampoline 4 times in their lives. Two years ago, Ryan ended up in the ER having his lip stitched back together after he caught it in the springs and yanked it backwards to get it loose.

At that point, we made a rule that there was to be no jumping on any trampoline that did not have the springs covered and a protective net around it. Great rule - it did us no good at all today. Our new rule is don't. Just don't. No matter what.

Wes had been at our friend's house for only about 10 minutes when we heard him yelling. Unfortunately for Wesley, everyone is used to his dramatics and nobody paid much attention. I looked at his foot and it appeared OK. After he wouldn't calm down, I brought him in and made him lay down. We could still hear him whimpering for another 20 minutes or so.

I go to check on him and at that point it's obvious he needs to go to the doctor as his foot is swelling with quite an unnatural bump coming out of the top of it. I leave all the kids with Vicki and off we go to the convenient care doctor office where Wes is referred to an orthopedic urgent care. Not a good sign in my mind.

A few hours, a few X-rays and a few hundreds of dollars later, we get the news that his ankle is not broken. It is however a Grade 2 sprain, which means a complete tear of some fibers in the ligaments. It also means elevation, rest, ice, and painful physical therapy which will go on for weeks to come. We go back to the doctor on Friday and if Wes can not bear wait on it yet, he will have to use a walker.

We did get to discuss the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" story on the way home, so maybe he will take it to heart, quit being so dramatic about nothing and save it for the big things. But I'm not betting on it.