Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Where Every Hour Seems Like Ten

Imagine a world where you are not allowed to go to work, vacuum or sweep a floor, wash a dish, fold laundry, or do any cooking. Not too bad, maybe? But then add to the list that you aren't allowed to go shopping, drive, or even ride in a car.

Not so good, huh? Then finish off this new world with "You can't pick up Sophie." WHAT? What kind of world is this? The world of bed rest -- due to some spotting.

Obviously this world does not belong to me -- it's Andi. She is starting Day 3 and as she can tell you, "she is not a bed rest type of gal." Oh sure, there is the monkey bread, Slim Jims, the Yoo-hoo and the Hostess cupcakes she requested and got, but overall, she would rather be up and living her normal life. Lest you think she is only eating junk food, she's not. She's eating very healthy meals with junky snacks.

Andi & Sophie are camped out here during the duration of her confinement. We don't know how long this will be, but she just has to remember why she is doing this.

So even if every hour seems like 10 - it will all be so worth it come December when Sophie becomes a big sister.