Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Recent Quotes from our house

"...and Ryan was laughing historically" (hysterically) -- Jacob said as he was talking about telling Ryan a joke.

"....and God bless the kids with cleft palate", can be heard at every prayer time said by Wesley.

"We are going to go play public school." said Carly as she told me what she was planning to do with her friend, Ashley.

After he gets out of the tub, I hear Ryan, talking to himself in his bedroom, "Now that was fun. Was it more fun than Holiday World? (voice drops considerably) Nooooo, but it was fun. (Raise voice) Was it more fun than going to Chuck E. Cheese? (lower voice) Nooooo, but it was fun. (Raise voice) Was it more fun than going to Mr. Gatti's? (Lower voice) Nooooo, but for a bath - it was pretty fun."

This one you probably won't hear at your house ~~ when I talked to Zac this afternoon, he was at the doctor with his girlfriend, Andie, because "Andie's leg keeps falling off." Andie lost her leg to cancer as a child and she was getting some adjustment on her artificial leg.

and of course, the truthful classic by Jacob........

"Mom, did you know that if you eat peanut butter on your waffles, your farts will smell like peanut butter. It's TRUE! Today my farts smelled just like peanut butter. You can ask Carly if you want -- she smelled it too." (I declined to investigate this claim, just took him at his word.)