Thursday, May 24, 2007

It's all good

Got to see the baby this morning with Andi and Jacob. The heartbeat was strong, the baby was waving its' stubby little arm and all was well. It showed Andi to be 8 weeks along, with a due date of December 31st. The girl obviously likes holidays since Sophie was originally due on Labor Day.

By their calculations, Andi got pregnant somewhere around April 4-11th, which means at the most, she was on her antibiotics for 2 days and the doctor said that there would be no harm to the baby because of this. Praising God for that good news.

Now if they will just pick a boy's name, I can get on with the nicknaming of the baby. We They are halfway there.

Edited to add: Nope, they do not know the sex of the baby yet. They have chosen a girl's name, but not a boy's name yet. I need both names in order to come up with a combined nickname, like Benjamin and Sophie was Bophie. Nothing waving but one stubby little least I think it was an arm:)