Thursday, May 10, 2007

Hope Central

Today was the ribbon cutting ceremony for Hope Central ~~ the mission outreach our tiny church opened today. I am amazed that a church the size of ours undertook such a project. I know the community will be blessed by all of the available services Hope Central will offer. Abba Clinic will offer services pertaining to pregnancy. This picture is just of the waiting area. There are 2 exam rooms, an office for visiting doctors and a counseling room. There is a also a store where women who attend classes to help them have a healthy child can shop for free items such as diapers, wipes and things like that.

The Manna Market is a food pantry that allows the people to shop for what they want for their family - not just what a set list of items. This picture is part of the actual store, although most of the stock is in another part of the building. Part of what the kids and I will be doing will be to keep the shelves stocked.

Pathways Family Education Center is the part over which Andi is the director. They will offer a wide variety of free classes to anyone interested. There is also going to be a job placement area and a clothing bank that is just for clothes for job interviews. Andi's office is in another room, along with a "Kiddie Corral", a large, play area that is built like a play pen. Volunteers and people taking classes or coming for other reasons can let their children play safely in this area.

Andi designed all of the signs on the building - I think she did a great job.

Lastly, here's a picture of Andi and Soph. I think they are talking about all the lives that can be changed at Hope Central. Or -- they could be discussing teething.