Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Almost doesn't count in bleeding

So Carly comes running in the back door yesterday, yelling....(and waking up Sophie in the process,) "Wes had a bike wreck and he was crying so loud and so long and a woman comes over and ask him if she needs to call his mom to come get him." I hear Wes crying outside, while I am still inside.

I just wait, because almost 8 years of being Wesley's mom has taught me a lot of things and right at the top of the list is that Wesley could qualify as the most dramatic actor in anything. It is to the point though that he is not being allowed to go places without us since he always puts on such a show.

When he finally makes his way in, I turn and examine his "injuries." Actually, that sentence should read I turn to LOOK for his injuries since there were none to be found. He was able to sputter out between sobs as he held up his palm and pointed to a little red spot, "Look right there. I'm almost bleeding."

***Andi, if this picture doesn't convince you to cut Wesley's hair, I'm resorting to ribbons.