Wednesday, April 25, 2007

If you can read Sophie's shirt.....

You will see what our big news is around here.

Andi & Jacob's best friends are Ben & Jada. They have just been married a few months, but the agreement between the couples was that when Andi got pregnant again, then they would also try to begin their family. This picture is of the two of them when they read Sophie's shirt.
This one is of Ben seconds later when he was reminded of the pact between them. He kept muttering something about, "Sophie was supposed to be three. Sophie was supposed to be three. Sophie's not three. She was supposed to be three."

Yeah, we know when a baby "announces" her mom's pregnancy while wearing a size 6 month onesie, it's a pretty good bet she's not three years old yet. God obviously had other plans from theirs. He's like that - does things in His own time.

Andi told the kids tonight after church and they were appropriately surprised! Sophie is 8 months and 10 days old today - the exact age Andi was when Zac was BORN, so at least Andi waited longer than I did!