Saturday, March 31, 2007

You know what they say about paybacks

I think I can pinpoint the beginning of this disaster. It all started when Kasey and Tina had just one cute little boy and I happened to be the nursery worker that fateful day.

I taught him to say something cute and his parents were not impressed. Sure, it took about a hundred animal crackers but when his parents walked in to get him we were ready to show off his new trick. I held out the animal cracker and asked, "what do you say, Jackson?"

I'm sure they were expecting something like, "Please, Perri", but no. Out of his little mouth came a sentence that was music to my ears........ "GO DUKE!", while rolling his hands up like in Pat-a-cake. Not so much music to them - IU grads that they are.

And the feud was on. But time passes and you think you can trust someone and then something like this happens!