Thursday, March 22, 2007

Please pray for Andi

Psalms 62:8 Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: for God is a refuge for us.

Andi is in the hospital this evening with a Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in her leg. MRSA is a specific strain of bacteria that has developed antibiotic resistance. MRSA is commonly termed a "superbug."

About 9 days ago, Andi had a very small black dot on her leg that we thought was a spider bite. About 8 days ago, she had a second one. About 7 days ago, she had a third one and they started checking everywhere in their house for anywhere a nest of spiders might be.

These little spots kept appearing and then breaking open and drying up. Yesterday she went to the doctor because one was about the size of a dime. He put her on an antibiotic.

Overnight things worsened - considerably. When she got up this morning, it looked as if someone had inserted a hockey puck under the skin on the back of her leg. It was huge, red, swollen and hard as a rock.

I took her to the doctor and he tried to drain the area. Luckily, Andi was numbed and looking the opposite direction for this procedure, because I watched as he cut into the back of her leg with this little scalpel and proceeded to jab it in and out several times. When that didn't get the desired results, he took out some little scissors and clipped a bit inside her leg.

They did a culture and sent her off to the hospital for IV antibiotics. She has had some more tests done there and will be there, hopefully only for a few days. One test will determine if she has a colony of this bacteria living inside her nose - a common place to find them, but an uncomfortable test to get an answer. She is on pain medicine and that is making her leg more comfortable. She is in a contact isolation room, meaning visitors wear gloves and masks. This did not set well with Sophie. Andi did the masking and gloves before Sophie went in for a short visit and Sophie immediately yanked it down off Andi's face like they were playing peek a boo.

As of this evening, the infection was still spreading and new spots were breaking open. The doctor told us that in some cases it becomes necessary to remove a part of the infected area, so we are praying it doesn't come to that.

Andi is quite depressed and could use your prayers. She is not really upset about her leg at all- although it hurts and we don't really have a lot of good things to report yet. Yet - but we feel confident we will by this time tomorrow.
She is upset because during the course of the antibiotics and for several days afterwards, she won't be able to nurse Sophie. She will only be able to pump and she doesn't think she will be able to maintain a milk supply sufficient to be able to continue to nurse Sophie. That makes her incredibly sad.

I thank God that Andi got to the doctor when she did, I thank God for friends like Heidi who left what she was doing and went home to take all 5 kids on a moment's notice without so much as a blink -- and I thank you now for praying - because I know you will be.