Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's all fun and games till somebody gets hurt

If you are a regular reader of my blog, then you know that I am in charge of our church recreational activities. We are having a skating party Tuesday night. The sign up sheet hovered at a steady 80 people for several weeks so I felt confident in telling the kids that if 100 people signed up, I would skate myself, something I last did about 35 or so years ago.

The last few services the pastor has been recruiting skaters willing to pay so that we could reach our "goal" and get to see me on skates - briefly - right before I fall.

This morning we were at 98 people. I left my announcement on his pulpit that if there was "must see TV" on Tuesday night and people wanted to withdraw, that there would be no hard feelings. No such luck. He reads my little ditty to the congregation and then proceeds to ensure that the 100th person is signed up and PAID on the spot.

That "kind" soul was sweet enough to not only pay for the extra 2 people but to pay for me as well. Thanks so much, Larry. I will be able to apply my skating fee to my deductible when I go for x-rays.

I'm willing to make another bet -- despite what the pastor says, I do NOT think you will find me skating with the "birthday bear" at the skating rink.