Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm just sayin'.....

First it was the free Hamburger Helper coupon. Then along came my free Swiffer Vac, which Andi loves for all the cat hair that comes along with having 3 cats.

Well, today's story involves my mixer that I used a LOT making cheesecakes. As I was mixing cheesecakes to go on vacation, there was a distinct noise that immediately resulted in nothing happening. Nothing as in - the beaters no longer beat. The motor would whir, but that was it.

It was a Saturday so without much hope I called the company to see where I could take it for repairs. After pushing about 67 buttons, I finally had the information I needed from the helpful automated voice. It told me to mail it to a place about 100 miles from here, so I thought I would just call back on Monday to see if there was someplace closer I could just drop it off.

I called Monday morning and talked to the nicest woman there who told me that there was no sense in sending it off for repairs, she would just ship me a new one that day. All I had to do was cut the cord off of my old one and throw it away. And they did. So I did. When I got home from vacation my brand new mixer was waiting on me to open. The kids were happy because they got the big box it came in to make into a cool bus and I was happy because - well, I had a brand new mixer. Can't beat that with a stick.