Monday, January 15, 2007

Uncle Jacob & night shift duty

Sophie spent the night with us Saturday night because Andi was just worn out after several late nights (early mornings) with her. When I brought her in, Jacob got out of bed and asked if he could sleep in the living room and get up with her during the night.

Not even thinking for a second that he might actually wake up, I agreed, since it wasn't going to hurt anything for him to sleep on the couch. After getting Sophie to sleep around 11, I went to bed myself.

I heard her whimpering about 3 and got up to fix her a bottle, only to find Jacob already had it made and was on his way to feed her. We got her settled down again and when she woke up at 7, Jacob was up and feeding her. I never even woke up that time. I got up at around 7:30 to find the two of them playing peacefully in the floor.

Jacob told me when Sophie was born that he was going to be the best uncle ever. I'd say he's well on his way. He reads to her every day, even if it's just his language book. He will help bathe her, feed her, dress her and never loses his patience with her.

If he's this good at the age of 9, I can't even fathom what a great dad he will be.