Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This one's for you, Larry

It's nice incredibly fantastic to have a friend who is a computer wizard.

One who doesn't answer the door early in the morning wearing this shirt. One who smiles and nods when you show up, computer in hand and tell him of your computer woes.... of which there were many.

On my way out of town today to go visit with my dad, I dropped my computer off and within just a few hours, my baby was fixed and all was well again.

I have music, I can download, I can work with my pictures again...I'm telling ya, this baby was one sick piece of machinery. Not only did Larry deliver my computer back to me, he also burned 3 awesome CDs for me while he was working on it. First a free swiffer, now this -- I must be living right!

If I could, I would make you a throne like this one. Since I can't, I hereby present you with the Computer Wizard of the Year award. You have my heartfelt thanks and a large pineapple cheesecake will be delivered to you in a few days.