Saturday, January 06, 2007

Just Say NO

You know how when you get your hair cut and the stylist always wants to blow dry it and style it for you. I always say no, because I head straight home to the shower to wash off all the cut hair. Andi, however, didn't say no - and she came in looking like this:

She had called ahead of time to tell me if I laughed, she was going to punch me. Man it hurt, but what can I tell ya? She looked ridiculous. She wouldn't let me take a picture of the front, which, if you can imagine it, was even more curly around her face.
First she tried to comb it out but the more she combed, the more she looked like an 80's TV star because it just kept getting bigger. She finally gave up and went to the shower while Big Guy and I had to wonder how she was able to walk out of the place without a hat on.
I asked her what she said to the woman and she told me I taught her well because she just said, "Thank you for showing me how to do that." Of course she was thinking, "Because I want to make sure that never happens again!"