Sunday, December 03, 2006

Deck the Halls & Paint the horse

Today was the annual Christmas parade and we gathered at Andi's house to watch since the parade passes directly in front of her house. We sat there singing carols to the parade participants and the kids were gathering sacks of candy. Right in the middle of the parade was saw a familiar face (NO, not the dog - the kid to the left of the dog) riding on the Boy Scout float and closely following him was another familiar face.......Pappaw - who just randomly drove in the parade for awhile. He came over to spend the weekend with us since Nana is out of town. That's Bill picking up candy for the kids.

Sophie enjoyed being outside briefly, but she mainly hung out inside. And of course to end up the Christmas parade was Santa followed by the Christmas horse.

After the parade, we did manage to decorate the Chris Tr. Everyone had a wonderful day together. If you click on the tree picture, you can see that every ornament is Pooh - with the exception of a manger scene. I've considered changing my tree, but every time I mention it, Bill practically has "man tears" because he has so lovingly sought out and bought practically every Pooh ornament in the tri-state area.

You can also see that I do not add ribbons or bows or even name tags to my gifts. When Jacob and Wes were little they tore them all off one year, so I just left it all off and wrote on the package with magic marker -- and a new tradition was born. It's amazing how many gifts you can stack if you aren't worried about crushing bows!