Thursday, November 02, 2006

Skate World

I took the kids roller skating today for the first time. Let me make sure you understand that when I say "I" took the kids, that was exactly what I did. I took them -- Andi skated with them. I took my new camera all fired up to make great zoomed pictures --- but the memory card was at home stuck in the computer. Not much use without that little card. So no pictures to post.

In the meantime - use your imagination. Picture not one, not two, not three, but four children up and down like yo-yos and that is how the first hour went. I don't see how Andi has any arm ligaments left. I did not know it was possible to fall so many times and still drag yourself up again. I saw some quite un-natural looking positions being made on the floor. I never knew they were such contortionists. I'm sure that in the morning they will be black and blue.

If you've ever seen the movie The Replacements and you can remember the scene where the "wirey" kicker guy, Nigel, turns and crawls across the screen after being pummled - THAT is what I saw today. At one point or another, each child crawling to the side of the rink like they were done for - only to haul themselves up, flash me a smile and a thumbs up and go back for more beating.

In the end, they LOVED it. All of them. By the end of hour two, Ryan was practically doing turns. Wes was not far behind them. Jacob and Carly - well they were still hanging out at everyone's knee level quite a bit. So what's a mom to do?

Sign 'em up for lessons of course. They start Monday night. Andi and Big Guy will also be joining these ventures. Not the lesson part though - just the skating afterwards.

Sophie and I hung out on the sidelines looking cute - her, not me. Although one blind kind lady thought I was her mother...right until Andi came over to feed her. I think that cleared things up for her in a hurry. Another lady skated up to us and told me how petite Sophie was. And she was serious - not sarcastic at all.

The lighting in the skating rink was not that bad, I assure you. I'm not sure what was up with these women. Maybe they were just loopy from going round and round in circles, doing the Hokey Pokey and Chicken Dance on skates.

I also decided today that I love to shop at Fashion Bug. I was returning some shirts there today and had to present my drivers license where the clerk commented on how much weight I have lost since the picture was taken. I thanked her.......and then bought something I knew I would be returning later so she could say it again! Just kidding - but the thought did cross my mind.

Edited Friday morning to add Carly's first words upon entering the kitchen this morning......."I have never felt such pain in my entire life." And she still wants to go again.