Monday, November 27, 2006

Back on the job

The kids have been gone to Grandma Carla's since Friday afternoon. I picked them up this afternoon and Bill took them to their final skating lesson.

Perhaps they need more lessons since Jacob ended up in the ER. Nothing broken and if we had waited it out at home, we could have figured it out for ourselves. But Bill said Jacob cried for a good 20 minutes and he wouldn't straighten his arm for me, so off he went.

Perhaps I wouldn't have been so quick to take him if I did not have Andi's history always lingering in the back of my mind during these episodes. She kept telling me her foot hurt when she was in the first grade - but still she could walk on it, run on it and in fact, won her first 3 track ribbons during the time she was saying it hurt. Finally a month of complaining passes and I take her for an x-ray, only to find out it was broken. Pass the mother of the year award this way.

So now - better safe than guilty...that's my motto.