Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Well it was bound to happen

I got my first "lecture" (actually more of a look of astonishment with a couple of sentences) from Andi about Sophie and she had that light bulb moment where she fully understood what I meant all those times when I had told her that she needed to be where she told me would be.

I got to babysit Sophie for a tidge on Monday. After the Labor Day parade, the kids and I went by to pick her up. Andi and Jacob were going to be coming over in about an hour so it was not like she was coming for an extended visit without them. As Andi placed her in the carseat, the tears started flowing freely -- I feared Sophie might drown on dry land. I assured her that it wasn't going to hurt my feelings if she changed her mind, but she said for me to go on. So go we did.
We went to Wal-Mart. Which wasn't in the plans, but how can I show off a baby at my house? Everybody at my house has already seen her and at Wal-Mart you are bound to run into people you know. I thought about calling her to tell her, but she said she was going to straight to the shower and I didn't want to drag her out of the shower just to tell her we were going to Wal-Mart.

When I told her later that we had went to Wal-Mart, THAT is when she gave me "the look", saying, "You didn't tell me you were going to Wal-Mart. What if I tried calling you at home and you weren't there? I would be worried." I had to agree while on the inside I was thanking my lucky stars that she didn't add the line I had used so many times......"Look at it from a mom's point of view, if I was to hear about a horrible traffic accident at such and such place, I would never even stop to consider that it was you because that wasn't where you were supposed to be. Imagine how horrible it would be if a policeman showed up on a mom's doorstep to tell them that their daughter had been killed and the mom just stood there telling it it wasn't possible because her daughter was at so and so's house."

Besides, I could legitimately come up with an excuse a reason to go to Wal-Mart too. It wasn't as if showing her off were my ONLY purpose to go. The woman with the young son who I sat by at the parade was telling me about a wonderful bottle that her son had used. She said she never had to burp him and he never threw up once. She went on to tell me that all of her burp cloths were just like new because she had never even used them. This conversation was especially interesting to me having just experienced Sophie's puke projection up close and personal the night before. I was quite interested in trying this bottle since in the last week she had covered everyone and everything in her path with puke.

At Wal-Mart we made a quick loop around the entrie store just in case there was anyone I could let admire my grandbaby's beauty they had moved the baby department since I was in there a few days ago. They hadn't - so I found the bottle, purchased it, and then drove home -- happy to have enjoyed out little venture where I ran into several people I knew and ready to try out Dr. Brown's miracle bottle. I paid the steep price for the bottle, making sure I kept my receipt because this baby was going back if it failed to work as promised.

Although Sophie is nursing well, at times she is getting a supplement with a bottle. She has now crossed over the 7 pound mark. Her weight had dropped down to 5' 9", so the doctor is happy that it is headed the right direction now.

At home I took on my Mythbuster's attitude - will this bottle really prevent spit up? Throughout the day and over the next 24 hours, Sophie nursed and used this bottle exclusivly. I don't know if the word miracle is actually on the label, but it should be. The bottle is designed with a tube and reservoir that runs up the middle of the bottle, keeping all air out of the nipple and the baby's stomach. Sophie had no upset stomach, no gas - nothing. She was quite the happy baby -- and they were quite the happy parents.
Andi just called to tell me Sophie's weight and that they are going after more bottles right now. I think it is safe to toss the receipt.

We celebrated Ryan's birthday yesterday. It's not till Saturday but we have a very busy day scheduled already for that day. I am going to be gone to Mud Bowl, so Bill will be handling everyone's soccer games in the morning and then bringing them up to the camp for Mud Bowl. That evening we will be going them to a street festival. It' s hard to believe he is almost seven years old.

Jacob had his first (and second) experience changing Sophie's dirty diaper today. He was fearless and he did a great job. He also fed her a bottle. He really enjoys helping to take care of her.
Finishing up this post by thanking Patricia for this fun gift. Last Tuesday I wrote "These same kids won't eat jello but when I cut it into candy cane shapes today it was gone in minutes. (I really need to buy some new cookie cutters)"
Today, I no longer need to buy any since Patricia kinldy sent us all of these fun shapes in the mail today. Now the kids are wanting to make jello with the card suit set and then they can eat their jello while playing Old Maid. It's such a rowdy time around here.
Such a nice thought -- and Patricia, just in case your generosity knows no limits.......I really need to buy a new van.