Thursday, September 14, 2006

Well, as it turns out

Ryan is color blind. Seriously. I've wondered a few times why it was so hard for him to get the names of colors correct. Tuesday, one of his school papers consisted of coloring short vowel sounds green and long vowel sounds brown to make a picture of a cow in a meadow.

After he had worked on it awhile he brought it to me to admire. There was no rhyme or reason to his coloring. When I explained the paper again, he was quite indignant that I would question his color choices. He even went so far as to get me the color and point out the word GREEN on the side of it -- and spelled it for me too, just in case I couldn't read green. Then he pointed to his paper to show me the green --- only it was as brown as his eyes.

Andi and I both looked at each other and the light bulb went off simultaneously. Metaphorically speaking, of course. I looked around a bit and found this site and administered the test to Ryan. He was a classic red-green deficiency on EVERY picture. He was quite adamant that he could see the numbers, but every one he saw was the wrong one - the one that showed he was indeed color blind.

In this example, do you see an 8? Ryan doesn't. He sees a 3.

In the next one, normal vision shows a 29 - Ryan sees a 70.

Just in case in the test was a fluke, we did it again -- twice -- throughout the day. Same results both times. I took Ryan to the eye doctor today to pick up his new glasses. I discussed this with the doctor and he is going to test him again in a few weeks, but he said his test is basically the exact one I used and the one I used was very accurate, so his test will just be for official diagnosis purposes. So that, as they say, is that. Certainly helps explain some of his wardrobe choices.

I'm going to the ladies' retreat for church tomorrow. I'm in charge of games (that's my thing) and it should be a lot of fun. The kids have soccer games on Saturday and then Sunday is Toyota Family Day at Holiday World, so we will be riding roller coasters after church. The kids have been praying for a few weeks for Wesley to be brave - I hope their prayers are answered!