Saturday, September 30, 2006

See Dot Run

Better pictures are coming because I ordered a new Canon digital camera last night with a 12X zoom. In the meantime, here are a few pictures of the kids playing soccer (or at least standing on the field in their uniforms). The pictures are a bit fuzzy because I had to crop them so much - but at least you can tell who is who. Carly is the one with the ponytail.

Andi and I noticed several things about the kids during the game. These things certainly don't make them better soccer players, but that's OK with us.
1) Wes plays the entire game with his tongue hanging out and when there is no action around him, he spends his time practicing dramatic falls.

2) Carly is very polite most of the time - waiting patiently for someone who hasn't played much to kick the ball.

3) Ryan runs in a distinct pattern. Step, step, step, skip. Step, step, step, skip. No matter how fast or how slow he is running - step, step, step, skip.

4) Jacob always waited for the man down on the field to get up before he took off playing.

5) They had the cutest niece there. (That's not a blanket, but her little monogramed burp rag that Melissa gave her.)