Off to Mud Bowl
and I want to thank those of you - yes, there were more than one - who were so kind to remind me to take my deoderant so we didn't have a repeat of the near catastophe I experienced at youth camp.
Andi called and said I could come get Sophie for a bit this morning. They will be here in just a bit to watch the kids till Bill wakes up and then they will be headed to camp too. So, Sophie is here, sleeping peacefully among the chaos kids playing quietly nearby.
I finally read the instruction booklet today to my digital camera. It does all sorts of amazing things I never knew about, so I'm looking forward to experimenting with it. It should make picture taking a lot more productive. I have no idea why I waited almost 4 years to read the book. Ryan is excited because I made him a Tshirt last night for him to wear on his birthday. I have a feeling he will wear it a lot, since he loves sharks at the moment.
Tomorrow is the beginning of soccer season for the little kids. Tomorrow, Ryan also turns 7. Then I will be a mom to 3 kids who are 7 year olds - none of them twins. This time of year always makes for extra explaination when the kids are asked how old they are.