Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Never Use the Registry

A few weeks ago I went to Target to buy a wedding gift for Jada. I actually printed out the registry paper and shopped from it. I don't like shopping from registries, because I spend four times as much time shopping and looking for things than if I were just buying something I liked. In case you don't take 4 kids shopping with you all the time, that is the same as 40 times as long as when you are shopping by yourself.

The only other time I've ever bothered to shop from a registry was for my friend, Sonya, when she was having a baby earlier this year. I am just not that dedicated of a shopper. But for Sonya and now for Jada, I was. I bought her some mixing bowls she wanted and then I bought these really cool measuring spoons to tie on top of the gift. Also off her registry. Two very functional, practical gifts.
I also bought her some snow cone flavors because I knew Vicki was getting her a snow cone maker. Not really practical at all, but much more fun than a mixing bowl and without them, the snow cone maker is virtually useless. So maybe it was practical after all.

As the shower approached I found this handy little phone book thingy that I decided to tie on the package instead -- and just keep the way cool measuring spoons, which I really liked.

All was well with my revised gift plan, right up till the shower time. As we were preparing to play a game, Cathy mentioned that she was going to buy Jada some measuring spoons but they were already marked off the registry. Andi piped up that I had bought them and then I had to add, "yeah, but I kept them for myself because I liked them so much."

Everybody had a great laugh when I realized that I had marked them off the registry -- so I quickly wrote an IOU on a napkin slightly smeared with cake and a bit damp from punch and Andi wadded it up and shot it up to the bride to be.

I made a trip to Target today to pick up Jada's measuring spoons. While I was there, I bought myself the way cool measuring cups to match my cool new spoons. If I waited till someone else got married and registered for them, no telling how long I would have had to wait and I wasn't about to risk it.
Edited to add: Patricia, out of everything in my house, those cabinet pulls have had more comments than everything else put together. When we were remodeling the kitchen, Bill about had a stroke over how many I had to buy - 60 of them - but it quickly became funny since that is the one thing just about everyone mentions when they come into the house for the first time. Thanks - I like them too.