Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Last Day

Today was the last day of our vacation at home with Angie and the girls. We made the most of it by going to see Over the Hedge, to Popeyes for lunch and then we went swimming in a large indoor pool. The kids have all had a wonderful time playing together and the adults have had a great time as well.

Below is Andi's dive ~~ she was on the diving team in high school and she wouldn't let me actually take a picture of her dive, but this is her entrance into the water.

Angie has a really cool case for her camera that makes it usable underwater. So we tested it out and Carly & Jacob were our testers. Of course now we all want an underwater camera because it was so cool. Tomorrow morning we go to the airport to send them back to Texas. No doubt there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth since we have had such a blast this week.