Monday, July 31, 2006

Home Sweet Home

We got home from our vacation this evening. I know the kids will have memories of this trip for the rest of their lives. Everyone had a great time -- including Suzy, Teresa's family dog who had to be in the picture - even if it was through the glass door.

This post just contains a mumbo jumbo of pictures. At Amazement Square, a wonderful children's museum in Lynchburg, the kids are pictured in the trees. Carly and Ryan are having a bike race where their speed controls the riders on the wall, while Wesley checks his heartbeat, via the drum, after his bike ride is finished.
After a few days at Teresa's house in Virginia, we took off for South Carolina to visit Gwen.
Once we arrived, we were in awe of the beautiful front yard and back yard view they she and her husband, Brian enjoy every day.

Well, I was in awe of that view. The kids were more in awe of this one:

The kids practiced their moves, while we "judged" them. Carly's diving technique (or at least her entrance into the water) certainly needs some practice, but she gets points for perseverance. Long after her legs were beet red from hitting the water, she kept right on practicing.

It was wonderful to spend time with Teresa and to finally get to meet Gwen after years of knowing her on-line.
I was able to find one down side to the beautiful scenery. Fire ants - OUCH.

I'm just throwing in this picture of Jacob, because it makes me smile and I want to keep it on my blog. I can do that you know. Throw things in randomly. Such power.

We came home a few days earlier than we had planned on - not because I'm broke from traveling with 4 little angels but for one other reason only.........

Fear of missing the birth of my first grandchild. Sophie has dropped down considerably and is making her intentions known. The doctor told Andi on Friday that he was certain she would be delivering early. When Andi called to tell me this, we were on our way to South Carolina and she encouraged me to go on - that she was fine. So I did. After about 10 minutes she called back to see if I was still going or was on my way home. Jacob was shocked and I think she was too that I hadn't turned around yet to head home.
So I called - frequently - to check on her to see if she was exhibiting any signs of early labor. During one call as soon as she answered, I heard Big Guy yell, "NO, she hasn't lost her mucus plug yet." Gotta love a dad to be with a sense of humor.
Still, Andi was quite relieved when I told her I was coming home early. She told me that she was just freaking out on Friday night. She said it was like she had a little banner going through her head and it said, "I'm having a baby and momma's not here." Over and over and over.
Knowing that - here I am - and here I will be, until Sophie makes her entrance into the world, surrounded by people who are already so much in love with her.
Andi said the doctor told her it would be at least another week. However, this is the same doctor who told me one day back in 1984, "see you next month" and yet he was delivering my son 13 weeks early the next afternoon.
So although I realize it may still be a couple of more weeks, we can always take another vacation - while some things just can't be rescheduled. It's good to be home.