Saturday, June 17, 2006

This, that & the other thing

Sometimes - just thinking of something to name a post is the hardest part - and if you blog, you know what I'm talking about.

I gave Bill his Father's Day gifts early. A couple of weeks ago his coffee maker spit its last drop of coffee out, so I bought him a new Bunn coffee maker. He loves coffee and was quite happy with his gift.

He also loves to bake, so today I gave him a new mixer. Not the 300 dollar Kitchen Aid stand mixer - I'm much too sensible for that. He got a very nice Sunbeam mixer, same wattage, more speeds, and very comparable in every way but price. His was 1/3 the price and he loved it.

I guess some people might think it strange that he enjoys getting kitchen stuff and I like getting tools, but I think it is because we both use it as an escape of sorts. I would probably not be that thrilled to get a new mixer any more than he would like getting electrician tools.

All that being said, I gave Bill his new mixer today because I wanted to use it. Today has been spent baking. Bill wanted a cheesecake for Father's Day, so I made a strawberry cheesecake this morning.

Nana's birthday is Monday and her favorite is carrot cake, so she will be getting a carrot cake with pecans, raisins, pineapple and coconut, smothered in fresh, homemade, cream cheese icing. Both of these were made much easier by the use of the new mixer.

We will be eating both of these tomorrow after church.

Jacob has spent the day at a party for his church class. I just picked him up and he proudly showed me the pit where he had been swimming in oatmeal and raw eggs. Is this a southern Indiana thing - our fascination with the fun that can be had by using raw eggs? There were two sets of clothes in the pit and they had relay races to see which team could get in and get dressed, then undressed the quickest. They played a lot of neat games and he had a blast. He also won the medal for the best way to not catch a Frisbee - with his head.

On another note, I love our church. Our pastor, Aaron and his beautiful wife, Stacey, make worship joyful. You know they love God, but love having fun too. Since youth camp last weekend had to be rescheduled from its original date, Pastor Aaron wasn't able to attend this year since he had already scheduled his vacation. On their way out of town, though, he stopped at the church to pray with the kids. As he was leaving, I asked if he had my address to mail me a postcard. He assured me he did.

Got that today in the mail. It was officially addressed to me, using the title Mrs. and everything. And I know it's real because it says it's bonafide - and well, anything bonafide has to be real.
So they will see a slide show of camp pictures to see what all they missed while they were off traveling and we were at home waiting for the mail.

Edited at approximately 11 pm to add:

We all ended up going out for pizza with a bunch of fun, game loving people. After pizza we came back to the house for games and dessert.....Nana's beautiful birthday cake now looks a bit different.

I had a moment to think about it and in the spirit of WWND - What Would Nana Do? - I knew she would say, "ya'll help yourself, anyone want milk with it?" And mean it. So we did. It was yummy! Now before you go thinking bad thoughts about me (or is it too late?), I had made a second cake for Nana to take home with her to enjoy this week and it is still perfectly intact -- so I'm not all that bad.

We played Loaded Questions tonight and that's always a fun way to learn new things about people. For instance I answered "curl my tongue" to the question, "What simple thing can you not do?" That is how I found out Jada can not only curl hers, but double curl it. I've never even seen anything like it.

And just because you can -- look at her belly button too.

It looks like a little balloon tied off. I think it's great.

It's amazing what people will let you take a picture of AND POST all for a little bit more carrot cake. Fun people I hang out with.