Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I wonder how many posts over the years will be titled "Sophie". Probably quite a few. The kids and I spent the day at Pappaw and Nana's. Tonight when we got home we went over to Andi's to check out the new curtains and our "special project."

Jacob's mom made the curtains. She did a great job. The cornflower blue fabric actually matches the paisley. You might have to click the picture to be able to tell that though. We have to get a dressing table from my stepsister, Becky in the next few weeks and then the room will be done.

The last picture is the project Andi and I worked on. Yes, the talent runs deep here folks. I can't tell you how many times these letters were painted over because all the funky little designs we tried looked like .... well, something you wouldn't want hanging in your bedroom, that's for sure. So we ended up with polka dot letters. Kinda hard to mess up polka dots, but we did several times. We will certainly never be craft painters. We are so happy with how they finally turned out. They are hung between the two small windows on the white boards. Now the real work begins-- the last 10 weeks of waiting for Sophie to arrive.

I'm adding Andi's comment below - she rarely signs her name to her comments, so I'm guessing this is something she wanted to point out.

The colors are a bit off, the room in real life matched everything else in it. The pictures kind of make it look like random colors thrown together. Andi