Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Just a little practice

Andi and I set up the Pack and Play to make sure all the parts were there and a bit later I found Jacob, with his bears tucked in and practicing reading to "Sophie." For those wondering, this is the extent of Sophie's room at our house. I sure hope she like activity as she will be in the main room of the house.

One thing I bought for Sophie to have at her house (and another one for me to keep here) is a Bumbo seat. This could be the coolest baby invention I have seen in years. We put one of Andi's friend's daughter in it the other day and she just sat up and had such fun looking at us all working. She is less than 2 months old and did great in it. The Bumbo seat was voted one of the top 10 coolest baby products for 2005. It would sure get my vote. So if you need a baby gift, or have a baby - you might want to check this out. It's awesome.