Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Added to my list of things not to say to the kids....

"If you want to go to the movie in the morning, you need to get up really early and get your school work done."

5:25 - and yes, that's AM - as in early morning - I sense someone is standing over my bed and when I wake up I discover I am right. It's Jacob and he greets me with a smile and "good morning, mom, I'm ready for my spelling test."

Oh, how I wish I was kidding - but I'm not. Then as I rouse into this warped reality I live in, I realize I hear all manner of children's voices. Everyone is up doing their school work. They are nothing if not dedicated. Truthfully, there wasn't that much to do because they were just finishing up school work from yesterday.

Church youth camp is this weekend and I am going to camp as a counselor. Vicki and I are doing a crazy skit and we spent yesterday shopping for props for it and a new bathing suit for me. Funny thing about losing 60 pounds - last year's swim suit looks quite loose. And I really loved last year's swim suit. In case you weren't around then, here is a picture of me wearing it. Not a time when you want your clothes falling off - at church camp, so the search was on for a suitable suit. The kids took their school work with them, but didn't get it all finished in between running in and out of stores.

We did find a swim suit - top at Macy's - bottoms at Kohl's and were able to find the props we needed. Now the eggs are soaking in green dye and we are getting ready for our big debut Friday night.

The theater in Evansville offers free movies during the summer on Tuesday morning - so we had tickets to go see Dreamer........if they finished their work. And they did - with lots of time to spare. Next time I will just let them finish it after the movie and enjoy a couple more hours sleep.

The movie was great - a true family movie that everyone can enjoy.