Monday, May 29, 2006

Splish Splash

We had a wonderful day swimming at our friend, Vicki's today. Her daughters, Samantha and Megan were home from college - along with Megan's fiancee', Mike. Andi and Big Guy and another fun couple from church, Ben and Jada were over too. We grilled a lot of food, ate a lot of desserts and swam for hours. The kids had a blast - playing with all the grown ups, learning new water games and enjoying the first swim of the season.

After a short "shower and feed the kids" break, everyone came over to our house where we continued our fun day playing Times Up. Megan and Mike will be moving to town next month to begin their student teaching in the fall and I can tell they are going to be good friends for Andi and Big Guy.

It was a great day and thanks to the constant application of sunscreen, I think we all survived it without a burn. This was the first time in a long time I can remember that the kids literally fell into bed and I didn't have to go in even once to be quiet - they were totally exhausted.