The Up side to feeling down
Truth be told - my tooth is feeling OK. A bit of a headache but not much else - unless my top and bottom teeth happen to touch. Then it hurts. But Bill has said I am to do nothing today. Since I generally only get this kind of treatment on Mother's Day and my birthday, I'm going to go along with him on this one. Bill had gone out before I ever got out of bed and bought me more flowers. (I really must buy a vase) He got up and fixed bacon, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes and biscuits for everyone for breakfast. Everyone ate, cleaned up the mess and then he laid out his plans for the day.
I am soooooo glad I had already agreed to sit around today!
He is tilling the entire back yard up to level it out and plant new grass seed. The kids are digging up rocks and picking up sticks and leaves.
And me -- I'm using an icepack, swishing with salt water and wondering just how often I can have a root canal before everyone starts to catch on.